Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye 2010 (You wont be missed)


So here we are again, another New Years Eve. And what am I doing? Well Im sitting here talking to my dear mother on the phone and writing my first blog. No, Im not getting all glamorous, the hair is tied back and my outfit is far from the usual haute couture I adorn on this festive occasion. 

It's funny to think last year I was running around like a chicken with it's head cut off (looking absolutely fabulous BTW) cooking hors d'oeuvres and tending to mine and my boyfriend's (at the time) guests. I have to say, for my first time hosting a "party" I did a pretty good job. You kow, until... I found the vino. But needless to say, it was overall a good time. As I peeled my fake eyelashes off my face the next morning, and finally calmed the elephant stomping around in my head; I thought I had accomplished a pretty decent get together, I mean it didnt matter no one would remember it, we had pictures for that.

Fast forward to present New Years Eve, and I cant help but feel a little sad being all alone on this particular night. I guess thats what i get for up and leaving everything I've ever known. Goodbye loser boyfriend, goodbye my wonderful family, goodbye my (sometimes) good friends. But alas, what doesnt kill you stronger.

As I reflect over the past year I have had severe ups and downs. Moving 15 hours away on a whim turned out to benefit me. I started college, and learned how too cook (well kinda..) I left my boyfriend of almost 3.5 years (thinking back I wish I left him sooner!) I've started to come into my own, beginning my path to my career. Just that in it's self is incredibly exciting.

So as 2011 dawns upon us, I wish and hope for success, health and peace. For myself, my family and whoever reads this.

To everyone: HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Until next time..

Leighton xox