Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A lil posty post

I've been on a hiatus.. from what? Well I'm not sure exactly, but obviously I haven't been posting; and yes my mother as far as I know, is the only one who reads my nonsense, and I even have to remind her to do so.. what shame! But the optimist in me thinks at least ONE person who has never met me stumbles upon this great and magical place..Leighton's Domain. And well, I owe it to them to write a lil somethin' somethin'. So my dear anonymous friend, this is for you buddy.

I have no clue what direction this blog is taking. Yes, I love beauty, but you know what? I also love a lot of other stuff, and this chick has a big mouth with lots of opinions. So I'm just gonna wing it. I've been sick with a chest infection for a good month, and I'm on, yet another round of good old antibiotics. God my body hates me (Positive thoughts.. positive thoughts..)

My puppy Bridgette has also been a miserable little girl. She turned the big "7 months" on the 1st of this month.. and yep! She went into heat. Stupid me for not getting her spayed last month, but you know what? That shit is expensive, and its been an expensive month for this girl. Flying back to my hometown (Which is on the other side of Canada, didn't run cheap!) But alas my baby will get her insides cut out next month.. I cant deal with puppy PMS and to be honest, its just not fair to my little girl! She does an "army crawl" under the couch, and then just lays there with her little head out, and CRIES. It's a terrible, heart wrenching sound, and I refuse to let her go through this again.

School has been stressful.. in fact, I don't even want to talk about it. Ive been missing my family like crazy especially my sister. Yes, she is 5 years younger than me, but dang, girl has insight and wisdom beyond her years. She is the only one who I let talk to me in such an abusive manner ("Leighton, what the FUCK is wrong with you?") It's still a little shocking to hear my baby sister speak with such foul language, but honestly, I appreciate it. I will be going home for Christmas and she has this magical idea to get matching sister tattoos... Call me old fashioned but, getting inked is not something I've ever wanted to do. (Okay, okay; at one point when I was young and quite simple minded I thought it was my destiny to rock the tramp stamp.. but times have changed) I told her MAYBE.. and that's a big fat maybe. It would have to be small.. in a place no one could see and have to be amazing. No I don't want a fucking butterfly, or a bloody heart.

Anyways, this has truly been an awful entry, and I do apologize if you've stuck with me this long and read it. On another note.. vegan pudding is amazing, I suggest everyone try it.

Leighton xo

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