Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year Resolutions and Wisdom Cards

I will be the first to admit I am terrible at keeping my resolutions. Im good for about 2 weeks to a month and then slowly but surely, I go back to my old terrible ways (lol). I kick myself everytime.. why does my will power lag so..? But this year I am determined to follow through, Ive been through a great deal the past year and keeping my resolutions should be mildly easy..right?

Like most women, a new year means a whole "brand new you!" thus most resolutions have to do with loosing weight. I to, am guilty of saying this year after year, but this time, I want it to be different. My goal is to have a healthy lifestyle; meaning physically, emotionally, and mentally. Gone are the days of crazy diets and of obsessive exercise, or no exercise at all. Its not about quick fixes anymore, I understand its about lifestyle. Meaning.. FOREVER!

My plan is to surround myself with positive people, and limit my negative thinking.. HELLO POSITIVE THOUGHTS! I'm also going to start my journey on being the best possible me. Totally cheesey right? But how often a day do you call yourself down? Its probably more than you think, and that alone can wreak havoc on your selfesteem, and who wants to go through life doing that?

I've met older women who battle with selfesteem issues, and its truely sad. I always think to myself.. well that wont be me, becasue there is no way Im going to be that "old" and be that unhappy with myself!.. But guess what? You dont just wake up one day and completely love yourself. So how is that not going to be me? Or many other women who think the same way? That journey starts now, you have control of your thoughts. You are the one who chooses who you want to be. If you want to be that lively confident girl, then you can be. But beware it takes work, and lot of it (Im still in the beginning stages) in order to not be that elderly women who broke my heart, you have to put in the work now.

Ive already starting taking babysteps (afterall its only January 2nd) including a long walk to ocean, making dinner myself (veggie stir fry-yum!) and reading my wisdom cards...So what are Wisdom Cards you ask? Well they are just that.. CARDS FULL OF WISDOMOSITY!! (haha, oh Im just so funny) But seriously, they are cards that come in a little flip-box, 64 to be exact, and they have wonderful affirmations on them. I've made it a little ritual before bed that I shuffle the cards and spread them out. Whatever one catches my eye, I pick it up, and read it (obviously). I read it a couple of times and put it on the top of the box. In the morning I pick it up again and read it, thus in my mind, starting my day out with some postitive thoughts.

(These are the exact cards I have)

Anyways to summairze my New Year resolutions they are: To have a happy healthy lifestyle and to be the best possible me. To stop procrastinating, whether its homework or bigger things (ie; MY LIFE!)and last but not least, stop worrying about things I have no control of, as its absolutely pointless! It really is mind over matter, and you can achieve anything you want to. I just have to keep repeating that to myself,so it gets stuck in there really good ;) To anyone who reads this and identifies with me, know that you can do it to. Dont say you'll do it next week, or start next month.. Start now, you have your whole life waiting for you.

To end my super cheesey essay filled with way too many cliche things (you cant deny they arent true!) I will leave you with a wisdom card I pulled this previous night: "It is only a thought and a thought can be changed: The thoughts I choose to think and believe right now are creating my future. These thoughts form my experiences tomorrow, next week and next year."

Until next time...

Leighton xox

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